Heading H1

The background-color of body is #b0c4de and background image is from http://www.w3schools.com/css/img_tree.png and the body has 250px margin-right. The background-color of body is #b0c4de and background image is from http://www.w3schools.com/css/img_tree.png and the body has 250px margin-right.

The h1 heading is written with Verdana font in navy color and has left-margin of 20px. The h1 heading is written with Verdana font in navy color and has left-margin of 20px.The h1 heading is written with Verdana font in navy color and has left-margin of 20px.The h1 heading is written with Verdana font in navy color and has left-margin of 20px.

The paragraph has 20px of text-indent and use the justify for text-align and color:#663333, font-weight:bold. The paragraph has 20px of text-indent and use the justify for text-align and color:#663333, font-weight:bold. The paragraph has 20px of text-indent and use the justify for text-align and color:#663333, font-weight:bold. Here is a specially styled "a different style link " to http://jun.hansung.ac.kr (Hint: its size is 1.5em)