H1 in verdana font

The background image is located at http://www.w3schools.com/css/gradient.png

This is a right-aligned H3

This table has a width of 50% of Window.
Selector Property Value
th background-color #C9A742
tr.alt background-color #F2EAD3
table font-family "Trebuchet MS"
td,th border 1px solid #bf9821
td,th padding 4px

This paragraph has 2cm indentation and 150 px padding at right in a box. The box has background color of "#e1efbb" and background image is from "http://www.w3schools.com/css/img_flwr.png". And this box occupy 90% of the window width, 10px padding, and has border with 5px width, ridge style; and #66FF99; of color values.

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